You can now add information using the Pattern Language Development Data Sheet (Note that you'll need to open a Drupal account — and that the information isn't integrated yet into the rest of the site.)The original Pattern Language, by Christopher Alexander et al
- A Pattern Language web site
- Summary of A Pattern Language book (includes a listing of all patterns)
Pattern Languages in Other Domains
- Group Process
Patterns of a Conservation Economy- The Pedagogical Patterns Project
- A Pattern Language for Curricular Visions. Intended to provide support for collaborative work envisioning futures for The Evergreen State College.
- Common Ground: A Pattern Language for Human-Computer Interface Design
- Patterns in Software Development
Writings — Critiques and Advice
- Review of A Pattern Language by William Saunders, from Harvard Design Magazine, Winter/Spring 2002.
- A Pattern Language for Writers' Workshops, by James O. Coplien with Bobby Woolf. Patterns for helping people write patterns!
- Language of Shepherding, a clear, concise and useful guide for assisting people with their pattern development.
- A Development Process Generative Pattern Language
Updated: February 25, 2010