Twenty-one years since the first DIAC Symposium!
Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing;
Conference on Online Deliberation
Most of the conference will take place in South Hall, the home of the
Information School at University of California, Berkeley.
In addition to the wide range of planned events there will be
extensive opportunities for collegial discussion at the conference.
Register now for an innovative and compelling exploration of the
future of meaningful social participation. We have kept registration
fees low to encourage wide attendance.
This program may still change.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
South Hall 110
Berkeley Marina Doubletree Hotel
12:30 - 1:30
Registration, coffee, and snacks
1:30 - 3:00
Opening Session / Conference organizers and others
3:00 - 3:30
Snacks and conversation
3:30 - 5:00
CoLPE: Communities of Learning Practice Environment
Santi Caballe and Jerome Feldman
Trust for Online Deliberation on Wicked Problems: Implications for
the Design of Internet-based Large Scale Collaborative Platforms
Ali Gurkan and Luca Iandoli
7:00 - 9:00
Europe in One Room
This documentary
tells the story of the
first European Wide Deliberative Poll in which a scientific sample of all
of Europe gathered in the Parliament Building in Brussels
to deliberate for three days about the future of Europe.
Presented by James Fishkin. This screening is in
the Yerba Buena Room.
Friday, June 27, 2008
South Hall 110
South Hall 202
9:00 - 9:30
Registration, coffee, and snacks
9:30 - 11:00
Designing a General Architecture to Support eGovernment
Carlos Grima-Izquierdo and David Ríos Insua
Integrating online Deliberation into Transportation Investment
Decision-making: Preliminary Reflections on a Field Experiment
Kevin S. Ramsey and Matthew W. Wilson
Aspirational Goals and Incremental Tools: Does Forecasting Exclude
Other Frameworks for Strategic Planning?
Gregory Hill, Michael Monticino, Eric T. Jones, Steven Kolmes,
Rebecca McLain
"Tools for Participation" as a Citizen-Led Grand Challenge
Douglas Schuler
On Social Function: New Language for Discussing Technology for Social
Andy Dearden and Ann Light
"Liberating Voices" in South Asia: Case Study of Networked Resistance
in Jharkhand
Justin Smith
11:00 - 11:30
Snacks and conversation
11:30 - 1:00
Supporting Collaborative Deliberation Using a Large-Scale
Argumentation System: The MIT Collaboratorium
Mark Klein and Luca Iandoli
Growing a Global Issue Metamap: An Issue-based Approach to
Policy Deliberation
Jeff Conklin
Patterns, Process and Systems-Thinking: Putting Social Pattern Languages
to Work
Justin Smith
Exploring the Potential for Open-Source Self-Governance
Mike Mussman
Computer, Neural, and Social Networks
Jerome Feldman, Daniel Lee, and David Thaw
Community Network Analysis: Understanding the Contexts and Content of
Community Communications
Peter Day
1:00 - 2:00
Lunch (on our own)
2:00 - 3:30
What Makes a Search Engine Good for Democracy? Public Opinion Polling
and the Evaluation of Software
Jo Ann Sison and Warren Sack
Networked Publics: Publicity and Privacy on the Internet
Colin Koopman
Privacy Awareness for the Design of Pervasive Home-Based Technology
for Elders
Tonya Thompson
ACRAW Alliance for collaborative research work at Arab countries
Lilia Kakaradova
Community, Disability And Response to Disaster Mitigation in Bangladesh
Ms. Salma Rahman and Mr. Shahid Mallick
Community Media and Community Development: a Disruptive Innovation?
Peter Day
Social Software's Social Side Effects:
Political Discourse in Non-political Spaces
Sean Munson and Paul Resnick
Designing Social Psychological Incentives for Online Collective Action
Judd Antin
3:30 - 4:00
Break / Snacks and conversation
4:00 - 5:30
Panel Discussion
Social Justice, Change, and Media:
A Discussion about
Panelists include: David Silver,
Emy Tseng, and
CB Smith-Dahl.
Organized by Blanca Gordo
Technology Demonstrations
VizBlog: A Visualization Tool for Blog Discovery
Candida Tauro, Sameer Ahuja, Manuel A. Peérez-Quiñones,
Andrea Kavanaugh, and Philip Isenhour
Reframe It
Robert Fishkin
TransparentDemocracy: Online Voter Guide
Kim Cranston and Jeff Manning
Brian Sullivan
Saturday, June 28, 2008
South Hall 110
South Hall 202
9:00 - 9:30
Registration, coffee, and snacks
9:30 - 11:00
A Two-room E-Deliberation Environment
Fiorella De Cindio, Cristian Peraboni, and Leonardo Sonnante
The Kerbabel™ On-line Deliberation Support Tool
Aurélie Chamaret
b-involved: Extending Electronic Public Participation
Paulo Rosa,
Ângela Guimarâes Pereira,
Gonçalo Lobo
Colloki: Rethinking local conversations on the web
Sameer Ahuja,
Manuel A. Peérez-Quiñones,
Andrea Kavanaugh,
Candida Tauro,
B. Joon Kim
Online Shopping Relationship as Collaborative Decision Process:
A Focus on Buyer-seller Interactions
Thomas Stenger
Representing Community Concerns in Agent-Based Models: A Web 2.0
Catriona Kennedy
11:00 - 11:30
Snacks and conversation
11:30 - 1:00
Role Challenges in Technology and Social Action Projects: Bridging the
Gap Between Social Software and Social Contexts
Organized by Nick Plant
Community Networking Strategies: Partnerships for Community
Practice, Research and Engagement — Creating a Shared
Organized by Peter Day
1:00 - 2:00
Lunch (on our own)
2:00 - 3:30
Invited Presentations
Tools and Participation: Tales from the Trenches
Todd Davies
Political Reforms? Results from an Online Deliberative Poll
James Fishkin
Technology Demonstrations
Knowledge Media Tools for Capturing Deliberation in Participatory
Spatial Planning
Anna De Liddo and Simon Buckingham-Shum
e-Liberate: Support for Online Meetings Using Roberts Rules of Order
Douglas Schuler
Dialogue Mapping Demonstration
Jeff Conklin
3:30 - 4:00
Technology Demonstrations
4:00 - 5:30
Panel Discussion and Closing
Sunday, June 29, 2008,
Open Space Session
The Future of
Tools for Participation: Visions, Resources and Needs
Details forthcoming...
We're planning an Open Space Technology session as a capstone event
on our last day, June 29. We are currently planning for this to be
event to available to the public. This approach may be the best way
to spend less structured time as a collective group to formulate
research and action plans.