Responsible Robotics

Organization's slogan: 
Accountable Innovation for the Humans Behind the Robots.
Civic Organization Disclaimer: 
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To promote the responsible design, development, implementation, and policy of robots embedded in our society. Our goal is to influence the future development and application of robotics such that it embeds the standards, methods, principles, capabilities, and policy points, as they relate to the responsible design and deployment of robotic systems. We see both the definition of responsible robotics and the means for achieving it as on-going tasks that will evolve alongside the technology of robotics. Of great significance is that the FRR aims to be proactive and assistive to the robotics industry in a way that allows for the ethical, legal, and societal issues to be incorporated into design, development, and policy.

Organizational engagement: 
Organization's headquarters: 
Sheffield University, UK
Organization's geographic focus: 
Contact person: